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Author: Adriaan

A Swainson’s Thrush at Llandover Woods Greenspace

Sunny spring mornings are an excellent time for Birding! We have been lucky to have a solid couple of weeks of sun this May after what seemed endless rain in April. We had never visited Llandover Woods Greenspace just south of Shoreline off of Greenwood but with the excellent weather we decided to head out early on a Saturday to see what birds we could see.


Birding in Asheville NC, the Biltmore, and Great Smoky Mountains National Park

This spring we decided to visit North Carolina, a state we’d never visited but have always wanted to see and of course do some birding while in the area. On the east side of the state on the Tennessee border lies the Great Smoky Mountains National Park which covers a section of the Blue Ridge Mountains, part of the Appalachian Mountains.

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The Tri-Cities and hiking the Rimrock Lake Trail in the Columbia National Wildlife Refuge

We tend to get cabin fever sometime around mid-winter here in the Pacific Northwest. For us, trips somewhere warm like Puerto Vallarta is much needed for mental health this time of year, but for a less expensive weekend trip we like to find spots east of the mountains to relax and enjoy nature in a much different environment.

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