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Category: Birding

A Swainson’s Thrush at Llandover Woods Greenspace

Sunny spring mornings are an excellent time for Birding! We have been lucky to have a solid couple of weeks of sun this May after what seemed endless rain in April. We had never visited Llandover Woods Greenspace just south of Shoreline off of Greenwood but with the excellent weather we decided to head out early on a Saturday to see what birds we could see.


A Winter Day Trip to the Nisqually Wildlife Refuge with a Ring-necked Pheasant

On our trip to Theler Wetlands we ran into a birder who told us to make sure to visit the Billy Frank Jr. Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge. We have driven past here many times on trips south to Portland, it is right off I-5, very easy to get to but not too close to Edmonds where we live.

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